We are delighted to announce that the 2024 Inclusion and Inspiration Conference Collection is now ready and available at this website, with all the materials and resources that were received from the presenters.

Please navigate using the themes on the right hand side, or look through the collection at the bottom of the page. There is often a video available, either through a URL link at the bottom of the content, or embedded within a powerpoint. The range of topics and themes is remarkable – from deafness to representation in history, from FASD to race and racism, from using diverse stories across the curriculum to a funds of knowledge approach in the classroom. 

We hope that these are useful to you, whatever your role in our ITE Partnership. There are a huge number of ideas and experiences suggested and discussed here, each of them relating to a particular aspect of inclusion in practice. Please feel free to use them, cite them, and let us know how you use them. 

Andy Howes, Head of ITE