A level entry trends in Business Studies and Economics: good times
Business Studies and Economics continue to remain popular choices for students at A and AS level. Recently published figures from the Joint Council for Qualifications [JCQ] show a range of interesting features about the entry in our two main A/AS level subjects.
AS economics entries rose by 5.55% on 2014 to 46,245, continuing its popularity- numbers have more than doubled since the 2008 financial crisis. Business studies saw a 2.5% increase, with numbers now only slightly ahead of economics at 48,487.
Much like in the British economy there is, however, a big regional divide. Over 55% of the entries for A level economics in 2015 came from schools and colleges in the South
of England, with the figure at 45% for business studies. Classics and Languages are the most popular subjects in the South, Law and IT in the North and Communication Studies and Performing Arts in the Midlands.
Almost 70% of candidates for economics are male- only maths, physics and computing have a higher proportion- versus 60% in business studies. However, girls outperform boys in both subjects and are 6% more likely to get an A grade in economics.
There has also been an increase in the proportion of A* grades awarded in both business studies and in economics since 2013. This is measured by the proportion of candidates who achieved an A* as expressed as a proportion of those who secured an A. In economics, 22% of A grade students gained an A* in 2013 and 27% in 2015, with a rise from 20% to 24% in business studies. This suggests that both the calibre of students and the quality of teaching in both subjects is continuing to improve.
The full report from JCQ is available here: http://www.jcq.org.uk/examination-results/a-levels/2015/entry-trends-gender-and-regional-charts-gce-2015