Free CPD -Exam Messages: What do teachers say, do their students listen, and what impact does it have?
Thursday 2nd of March, 4.30 to 6.00pm – Ellen Wilkinson Building
Exam Messages: What do teachers say, do their students listen, and what impact does it have?
Have you ever stopped and thought about how you talk to your students about exams and tests? Why do you say what you do? How does it make your students feel about exams? Does it always have the desired effect?
Professor Dave Putwain (Liverpool John Moores University) is a world-renowned expert on Exam Messages and Test Anxiety. He has carried out extensive research into how the language teachers use about the examination process impacts upon their students in terms of both their academic performance and personal wellbeing.
In this 90-minute session Prof. Putwain will discuss teachers use of Exam Messages and “Fear Appeals”, introduce the findings of his current and previous research and explore how you can apply this in your own classroom.
While much of what will be discussed is from a secondary prespective, primary colleagues will also find the session very useful.
Place are limited; if you wish to confirm your attendance and reserve a space, please follow the link:
Password (if needed) is PGCE
i hope to see you there,
Rob Buck