Inclusion and Inspiration: Education for Social Justice. A cross-phase educational professional studies and NQT conference day
Dear NQTs,
We would like to invite you back to the University of Manchester for the next Inclusion and Inspiration Conference on Wednesday January 17th 2018. The day will start at 9am in University Place, lecture theatre B, with a keynote speech from Dr Sarah MacQuarrie addressing neuro-myths in education. The final keynote will be delivered at 3pm by SF Said, award winning children’s author. All delegates will be able to select three break-out sessions to attend throughout the day from a varied and vibrant programme. All sessions are designed to challenge and develop your thinking around issues of inclusion in primary and secondary education and we hope that you will be able to join us to debate and discuss your views and experiences. To book a place, please obtain permission from your school and complete this booking form: https://goo.gl/forms/PQBEwjjdEsNoH5tG3 or email conference@pgcemanchester.co.uk.
The conference is free of charge to NQTs. See the Inclusion & Inspiration Conference Flyer_2018 for more details.