Inclusion and Inspiration Conference 18/1/19
The next UoM Inclusion and Inspiration conference will be held on Friday 18th January, 2019 from 9am until 4pm, starting in lecture theatre B, University Place, Oxford Road. The conference is free to attend and aimed at an audience of NQTs and RQTs, alongside trainee teachers.
The key note speakers for 2019 are:
- Professor Pam Qualter, UoM: The BBC Loneliness Project and what the findings mean for teachers
- Patsy Hodson, Manchester Communication Academy: Inspirational teaching (with performances and contributions from primary and secondary pupils)
Workshops will include sessions on mental health, understanding autism, dyslexia, dialogic teaching, behaviour, circle time, British Values, professional voice use, conflict resolution, deaf education, lesson planning for inclusion, drama techniques for inclusive teaching, strategies for language teaching in an EAL classroom, using picture books to promote diversity, understanding colour blindness, …. and many more exciting themes relating to inclusion….! See Inclusion & Inspiration Conference_flier_2019
The deadline for registration is 10th December 2018.
Please sign up via this registration form: https://apps.mhs.manchester.ac.uk/surveys//TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=llKH5n920
Places will be allocated on a first-come-first served basis. For additional enquiries please email: itet.events@manchester.ac.uk