From Economics and Business Education PGCE to Senior Tutor: Dan Martin
I chose to take the Secondary PGCE having worked as a manager in the Civil Service for 3 years after graduating. Before going to university I had re-taken my A levels due to spectacularly underachieving. I went on to study economics at university and now teach at a large sixth form college in Warrington! I also work in a pastoral role as Senior Tutor
Although I didn’t know it at the time this experience of making poor decisions and seeing the consequences first hand is what really made me choose teaching as a career. The idea that I could in some way see other teenagers making the same mistakes I made and hopefully help them to make better decisions was, and still is, really important.
Whilst on the PGCE I remember spending one of my placements at an inner city school, which has since been closed and re-opened as an academy. There were really challenging students and the results were 40% below the national average in terms of GCSE 5 A*-Cs. At the time I did everything I could to get out of it but to their immense credit the PGCE tutors at the University held firm and the experience was vital in securing my first teaching in post in the February and whilst I was still on the PGCE. I learnt lots about teaching and relationships from working in this challenging context.

Studious female high school student
I’ve worked in a couple of 11-18 schools as Head of Year 12/13 and now as a Senior Tutor with pastoral responsibility for around 500 students. I’ve also taught on almost every Business course there is as well as A level and IB Economics.
As far as advice for new PGCE students and NQTs goes, I would say
- Accept that it will be difficult at times,
- Be open to new experience or courses you are asked to teach on as you never know where they will lead.
- Most of all enjoy it, no two days are ever be the same!