Getting research into schools: A workshop on writing for and engaging with educators.
You are invited to a free upcoming workshop in MIE: “Getting research into schools: A workshop on writing for and engaging with educators.” The session aims to develop knowledge and skills around disseminating research for an education audience and is open to all academic staff, students and members of the public.
This workshop will be held at the University of Manchester on 2nd February 2018 in Ellen Wilkinson A3.7, from 10am-1pm (registration from 9:30am) and will include a free networking lunch. Guest speakers include:
Prof. Jonathan Sharples: Senior researcher, the Education Endowment Foundation
Megan Dixon: Director of research and development, the Aspirer Teaching School Alliance
Steve Baker: Executive headteacher and principal, the Aspire Schools Federation
Dr Carl Emery: Research associate, Disadvantage and Poverty Group
Dr Jen O’Brien: Director of Social Responsibility for SEED