BCME9, 3-6 April 2018
BCME (British Congress of Mathematics Education) provides an opportunity to promote mathematics and the improvement of the teaching of mathematics at all levels. BCME9 is a celebration of mathematics education attracting delegates from every phase (early years through to university) and aspect (teaching through to research, policy and public engagement), as well as high profile plenary speakers. Rosa Archer, Siân Morgan and David Swanson all presented sessions this year, see below if you would like to find out more or would like to get involved. It was great to see past trainees there and three colleagues from one of our partner mathematics departments.
The problem with problem solving is learning how to teach it – Rosa Archer and Mary O’Connor
Rosa and Mary analysed the role of problem solving in the KS3 and KS4 curriculum and suggested some strategies to introduce problem solving in the mathematics classroom. They also presented data following a a survey of beginning teachers and opened a reflection on how to prepare teachers to teach problem solving.
Lesson study as a means of transforming school pract ice – Rosa Archer, Sylwia Glazewska
Rosa and Sylwia presented a case study of effective collaboration between a school and university through engagement with lesson study.
Lesson study, professional development courses, and the development of mathematical and pedagogical understanding – Siân Morgan, David Swanson
Through their experiences of working with PD courses using lesson study at the local maths hub (NW1), Siân and David discussed parallels between how people learn mathematics and how people learn about teaching and learning mathematics and used those parallels to deepen understanding.