AfL for STEM online course
You may well find the following online course useful. it lasts 6 weeks, starts at the end of Feb, and requires about 3 hours / week.
Assessment for learning in STEM teaching
Assessment for Learning (AfL) is a term that’s widely used in education, but applied in ways that are variable in their effectiveness. This free online course – designed for STEM teachers in primary and secondary schools, and sixth form and further education colleges – will help you understand and use it more effectively.
Understand Assessment for Learning in theory and practice
Through this course, you’ll understand:
- the theory and science behind effective Assessment for Learning;
- how to use Assessment for Learning to elicit evidence about what’s going on in your learners’ minds;
- how to use this evidence formatively with your learners in your laboratory and classroom;
- and how to write, judge and use the hinge questions that are central to Assessment for Learning in STEM.
Enjoy your teaching more
As the course progresses, you’ll be encouraged to try things out in your laboratory and classroom; actively reflect on what you discover in the process; and share your experience as part of the course discussions.
You’ll also be invited to read some of the scientific literature about Assessment for Learning. Your learners will gain as a result – and you’ll enjoy your teaching more.