TELL study – toolkit and teacher event
I’m getting in touch to let you know about a new free, online toolkit for education staff and settings providing support to teenagers and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic, including in secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The toolkit presents practical strategies, guidance, and resources that can facilitate individuals working with teenagers and young people in leading supportive conversations and providing strategic support during the pandemic, available here
The toolkit is based on the findings of the Teenagers’ Experiences of Life in Lockdown (TELL) study (www.seed.manchester.ac.uk/tell), from the University of Manchester (PI Dr. Ola Demkowicz) and is also informed by wider theory and guidance, and signposts useful resources from other organisations.
Ola and her team hope that you might consider sharing this toolkit with your schools/colleges. They also want to hear from staff on their experiences of using the toolkit, so that they can understand how this is being implemented – details of providing feedback can be found on the toolkit website.
You may also be interested in a free teacher event on 4th March 2021. An opportunity for education staff to hear about teenagers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and ways that they can provide support.