PGCE places – and the UoM STEM Newsletter for Schools
STOP-PRESS: places are still available on our Science PGCE (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physics with Maths, Engineers Teach Physics) and in English, Modern Languages (French, German, Spanish), Geography and Business Education. Please pass the word on – potential applicants should click on those subjects here to find out more and to apply. The University of Manchester ‘STEM Newsletter for Schools’ is sent out regularly. Here we reproduce the end-of-year issue with many resource links.This month’s UoM STEM newsletter for schools includes opportunities for your pupils including Biology, Medicine, Health presentations for KS4 and KS5 students. It also includes an invite to the GM STEM Collaborative network meeting in September. For those who can’t make it to campus there are plenty of virtual and asynchronous sessions to get involved with. The Undergraduate Live Webinar series will give KS4 and 5 students an insight into a range of subject areas and student life. There’s also a link to a brilliant new illustrated online book for school students, Hidden Histories: Black in Psychology which celebrates the contributions of Black people to Psychology and related professions. This booklet is co-written by a doctoral student in Education, Parise Carmichael-Murphy. As always, in addition to the activities in the newsletter, UoM has plenty of resources including pre-recorded talks and workshops which you can access from our website at any time. Please share this newsletter with any colleagues who may be interested in our STEM activities. They can join the STEM Teachers newsletter and any of our other updates (Primary, Humanities or Careers Advisors) here. You can also follow us on twitter @UoMSchools to find out about what’s coming up between issues. Pre-16 Activities Biology and Healthcare school visitsThe Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health can deliver a range of presentation to students from Year 11 to 13. These presentations can cover careers in these areas, what factors to consider when choosing between the subjects and how people have made an impact in these areas. If you are interested in arranging a visit to your school or college please contact us. Doctors in Schools Talks Are you a state school in the Greater Manchester area? Do you have students who are interested in Medicine who are currently in years 9, 10 or 11? As part of The University of Manchester Medical School’s commitment to widening access to the medical profession, we have recruited a team of doctors who would like to deliver presentations on a “Career in Medicine” to pupils who attend state schools in the Greater Manchester area. The doctors we have recruited have been fully trained to deliver presentations which outline the admissions process for medicine at The University of Manchester as well as talking about their own career path and motivation for being a doctor. Talks can be delivered in person or on Zoom. The aim of the presentation is to engage with students who come from backgrounds which are currently underrepresented in higher education and inspire them to a career within medicine. We hope that this will be a step towards breaking down barriers between young people, schools and the medical profession. If you are interested in one of these talks taking place in your school, please contact Albert Jennings. Plant a Seed Series The University of Manchester Widening Participation fellows are pleased to announce a unique opportunity for KS3 students. We are Widening Participation Fellows at the University of Manchester Medical School, who are intercalating medical students. We would like to invite all KS3 pupils in your school to utilise the online Plant a Seed Series resource. This aims to Inspire, Education and Motivate students to apply for a career in Medicine and consists of 3 recorded sessions, titled: 1) Inspire We will send all participating schools a link to the online learning and advise that pupils watch the videos together in the classroom setting. Each session in the series lasts 45-60 minutes, and consists of: • Videos from our ‘Day in the Life’ series, which have been created by Manchester doctors, answering many questions about a career in Medicine • A talk and worksheet provided by one of the Manchester Widening Participation fellows on the theme of either Inspire, Educate or Motivate We hope that your school will take up this opportunity and complete the sessions within the dedicated timeframe. If you take part, we would ask all pupils to consent to complete a questionnaire before starting and at the end of the series. On completion of sessions, we will invite your class to a live Q&A session with members of staff from Manchester Medical School and the Widening Participation team. We hope the series will inspire students and build on their knowledge, skills and attitude towards applying to Medicine. Please email medicinewpfellows@manchester.ac.uk if your school is interested in being involved. We will send a link to access the Plant a Seed Series once we receive your email. We welcome any questions. Thank you in advance Dr Enam Haque Nadin Hawwash Student Doctor Outreach Project The Student Doctor Outreach Project has been running for over 4 years. It is an opportunity for medical students at the University of Manchester to engage with local communities, and develop teaching and mentoring skills. It is also an opportunity for school pupils to understand an important health area. We are looking for interested schools to register their interest. We offer 1 hour teaching sessions on “worry” and “physical activity” to a class of secondary school pupils. These teaching sessions will be delivered by student doctors, under the supervision of an academic. Sessions this year have been via zoom, but we have also delivered face to face sessions. Please get in touch if your class would like to have our student doctors come to you, to deliver the session. Hidden Histories: Black in Psychology Hidden Histories: Black in Psychology is a booklet produced by Parise Carmichael-Murphy, a PhD Education student in the Manchester Institute of Education at The University of Manchester, and Dr Adam Danquah, a Senior Lecturer at UoM and illustrated by India Joseph, a freelance illustrator who also studied Psychology. It is a resource for young people who are interested in learning more about psychology. The booklet celebrates the contributions of 15 Black pioneers in psychology whose work has shaped understanding and practice in the field today. There is also input from leading psychologists about their experiences of training and working in this subject area as well as some food for thought around how psychology can help to address racism and achieve social change. The booklet can be found here. Contact: parise.carmichael-murphy@manchester.ac.uk GM STEM Collaborative – online network meeting Wed 21 September 3-4 (online) The next GM STEM Collaborative network meeting will be on Wednesday 21st September, 3-4pm, on Zoom. Everyone’s welcome who works in or has an interest in STEM education, enrichment and engagement in Greater Manchester, including primary and secondary teachers, to share what events and activities we’re involved in. Agenda will be circulated nearer the time. Sign up for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, and you should be able to download a calendar invite. If you’d like to join our Teams area to stay in touch between meetings, leave your details here. Contact: fse-outreach@manchester.ac.uk Post-16 ActivitiesManchester Institute of Biotechnology Open Day This one day event is planned for Nov. 2022. Information available on request We are organising an opportunity for Y12/Y13 students (e.g. BTEC, T and A level students) to visit Manchester’s world leading biotechnology institute, tour the laboratories and explore our research through interactive stands and talks. We hope to stimulate interest in careers in science by opening our doors to approx. 200 students (approx. 20 per school/college) . Our institute is developing new technologies that will help us tackle grand challenges such as climate change and sustainability, including new routes to the production of renewable and sustainable materials, biopharmaceuticals, chemicals and energy that will transform the industrial landscape. To find out more, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/bKgWcEx4LT Biology and Healthcare school visits The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health can deliver a range of presentation to students from Year 11 to 13. These presentations can cover careers in these areas, what factors to consider when choosing between the subjects and how people have made an impact in these areas. If you are interested in arranging a visit to your school or college please contact us. Free teacher copies: Professor Chris Jackson’s A Grown-Up Guide to Planet Earth podcast Key Stage 4 & Stage 5 Following his brilliant Royal Institution Christmas Lecture ‘Engine Earth’, geologist Professor Chris Jackson has recorded a 6-part series for Audible called ‘A Grown-Up Guide to Planet Earth’. If you’re a subscriber you should already be able to access it at https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/A-Grown-Up-Guide-to-Planet-Earth-Podcast, but if not, Audible have provided us with some free codes for teachers. Please fill in your details at the form and we’ll let you know if we’re able to provide a copy: https://forms.office.com/r/ryThvgYWKK Contact: fse-outreach@manchester.ac.uk The University of Manchester Undergraduate Webinars – Undergraduate Webinar – Why Manchester? 11/08/2022 , 16:00-17:00 Tune in to hear everything you need to know about the University of Manchester. This webinar will explore the University’s history and heritage, as well as the student experience, teaching and learning styles, and an overview of the city of Manchester itself. Suitable for UK, EU and International students who are thinking of applying to university. |